Michaela Kreim
Guild Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner & Physiotherapist (German certification)
I have been teaching Awareness Through Movement® classes in Ottawa since 2013 and have enjoyed providing Functional Integration® lessons since 2015. The Feldenkrais Method® inspires and allows me to discover new movements and forms of wellbeing every time I teach and practice.
The journey to Moving Minds
Growing up in rural Germany allowed me to spend a great deal of time being active outside and engaged in a variety of organized sports. I always enjoyed physical activity of all sorts and it was a natural consequence for me to become a Physiotherapist. I obtained my degree in 1989.
Initially focused on the conservative rehabilitation in the neurological, orthopaedic and geriatric field, I soon became aware that a more holistic approach would be much more effective in any healing process and in prevention. I started my search for a method that I could most relate to and completed trainings in Reflexology, Shiatsu, and Manual Therapy. During this time, I also started taking Feldenkrais (Awareness Through Movement ®) classes for my own benefit. I was instantly impressed by how differently I felt after every class. There was so much more ease and fluidity throughout my body and moving seemed so much more efficient. I also felt mentally refreshed and positive. Every class left me feeling better about myself and allowed me to connect deeper with my inner self. I had found my path, and took a one-year training with my Feldenkrais teacher in Munich, Germany.
After moving to Ottawa in 1998 and raising my three children, I started the four-year Professional Training Program in New York City with one of Feldenkrais’ original students. This was a transformative time in my life as I learned so much about the human ability to learn, change, and evolve. I graduated from the training in 2015.
I have taught Awareness Through Movement ® classes in Ottawa since 2013 and have given individual Functional Integration ® lessons since 2015. The Feldenkrais Method® still inspires me and allows me to make new discoveries about movement and wellbeing every time I’m teaching and going on the mat myself.