Learn about the function of the shoulder and explore your habitual way of carrying this important joint.

The shoulder is probably one of the most complicated joints in our body. It is surrounded by many muscles that are attached to it, allowing movement in multiple directions.
This is one of the reasons why the shoulder is prone to many injuries as well as chronic pain. In addition, many of us 'carry stress' on our shoulders.
In this series we will explore Awareness through Movement (ATM) lessons that allow you to learn about the function of the shoulder and explore your habitual way of carrying this important joint.
The Course:
Four weeks, Tuesdays, 11am to 12pm, starting on April 20th, last class on May 11th.
Cost: $65 full series or $20 for a drop in class.
All classes will be taught via the Zoom platform and will be recorded. So, no worries if you're missing a class. Recording will be sent to you upon request.
Please register (if you haven't done so) by emailing me or writing to me via the contact form.
Feel free to forward this post to anyone who might be interested.
"And I said to my body, softly. I want to be your friend. It took a long breath and replied, 'I have been waiting my whole life for this.'" - Nayyirah Waheed