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Move with us from wherever you are

Feldenkrais® is a movement-based learning method to increase physical and mental awareness. It leads to improved coordination and overall well being.

Why Feldenkrais®?

Reduce chronic


Communicate with your nervous system through gentle exercises and experience comfort instead of pain.

Improve coordination and balance 

Fine-tune your muscular system for more defined movement and action.

Manage stress


Recognize stress as a physical manifestation and how to counteract through finding the connection between body & mind.

Discover your creative potential

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Experience a new dynamic posture

Learn to rely on your skeleton for stability and free your muscles for spontaneous action.

Increase your physical and mental flexibility

Subtly challenge your nervous system and learn to move with more fluidity, ease and elegance.

Explore the class series

Allow yourself to experiment with new ways of moving, thinking and acting.

All classes will be taught via the Zoom platform and will be recorded.


Michaela has helped me so much! Her Awareness Through Movement classes along with her one-on-one sessions have taught me new ways of moving and relating to my body and has helped me heal from chronic pain.

— Adam from Ottawa, ON

Join us

(613) 880-8461    |

Ottawa, Ontario

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